Terms and Conditions

General information General information
Added Important Information Added Important Information
Additional Driver Information Additional Driver Information
Age Requirements Age Requirements
Drivers License and ID Requirements Drivers License and ID Requirements
Payment Options Payment Options
Collecting and Returning Your Vehicle Collecting and Returning Your Vehicle
After Hours Information After Hours Information
Taking Your Vehicle Outside the Country Taking Your Vehicle Outside the Country
Delivery and Collection Delivery and Collection
One Way Rentals One Way Rentals
Waiver and Protection Options Waiver and Protection Options
Special Equipment Special Equipment
Fuel charges Fuel charges
Fines Fines
Non-cancellation fee (non-prepaid reservations) Non-cancellation fee (non-prepaid reservations)

General information

Rentals starting at an Airport Location: A surcharge of 9%, calculated on the basic price, will be added to the cost of all rentals starting at any Avis airport location in Greece. This is usually included in the Avis rates. Please refer to your contract.

City Tax: A 0,5% tax is charged in some downtown locations and is calculated on the total price. This is usually included in the Avis rates. Please refer to your contract

Driver’s License: The driving license of the driver must be issued at least 12months prior to rental.
According to the Greek Law, all National Driving Licenses issued by the following countries are accepted in Greece: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland & United Kingdom.
According to the Greek Law, all National Driving Licenses with Latin Characters issued by the following countries are accepted in Greece: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Central African Republic, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, North Macedonia, Georgia, Ghana, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, South Africa, South Korea, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam & Zimbabwe.
Drivers that hold a driving license which is issued in any other country must hold additionally an International Driving License (driver’s valid national driving license must accompany the International Driving license at all times).

VAT matrix for all Avis stations in Greece
Regions with 17%
Chios, Kos, Lesbos, Samos, Skopelos

Regions with 24%
Alexandroupoli, Athens, Chalkidiki, Corfu, Crete, Igoumenitsa, Ioannina,
Kavala, Katakolo, Kos, Kefalonia, Larissa, Lefkada, Thassos, Parga, Patras,
Preveza, Thessaloniki, Volos, Karpathos, Santorini, Skiathos, Rhodes, Naxos, Mykonos, Milos, Paros, Kalamata, Skyros, Chalkida, Eretria, Salamina, Zakynthos

Added Important Information

The drivers license, a valid credit card and passport or identity card will be required on the pick up date.
All of them must be in the renter's name and spelled the same on all documents.
The driving license of the driver must be issued at least 12months prior to rental. The driver must hold a driving license issued from the European Union, or an International Driving License (your valid driver's licence must accompany the International Driving licence at all times).

Additional Driver Information

Additional driver will be charged at € 4 plus vat per day. Maximum charge 10 days.

Age Requirements

Renter and driver must be 21 years old and 25 years old for groups L and Ρ. Apart from that, drivers that are not already 25 years old, regardless of the type of the car, will be charged € 10,00 plus vat daily. Maximum charge 10 days.

Avis Prestige Fleet
21 years old for car group A, B, C
25 years old for all other car groups.
(Prices do not include vat)

Drivers License and ID Requirements

Must be issued at least 12 months prior to rental. An international driving licence is required for all rentals unless renter is a citizen of a European community country.
Avis Greece can accept a National Driving License if the driver holds a valid driving license from: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland & United Kingdom.

Avis Greece can accept a National Driving License but with Latin Characters if the driver holds a valid driving license from: Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, FYROM, Georgia, Ghana, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, South Africa, South Korea, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam & Zimbabwe.

Avis Prestige Fleet

The driving license must be issued:

1 year for groups A, B, C, D, F, G, K, N, O
5 years for all other car groups.

Payment Options

A payment card (Visa, Euro/Master Card, Amex, Diners or Avis issued charge card) is required for all rentals. However, the renter doesn’t need his or her credit card in order to make a booking online! We only request to know what type of credit card the renter is going to use at the actual time of rental.

Renter must use a payment card (credit or debit) at the time of rental in his or her own name.

The following cards are accepted forms of payment:
- Visa (Credit and Debit cards).
- MasterCard (Credit and Debit cards).
- American Express
- Discover
- Diners
- Avis issued charge cards

We don’t accept Maestro, Electron, any pre-paid cards - even if they carry the Visa or Mastercard logo- or any other cards not listed above.

CREDIT or DEBIT CARD HOLD: The estimated amount of the rental plus up to 500€ will be authorized against the renter’s credit/debit card at the time of rental. In case the Super Cover is purchased or included, the authorization will be the estimated amount of the rental plus up to 150€. This amount will no longer be available for your immediate use and may take up to 14 days, depending on your bank, to become available. We will not be responsible for any returned check(s) or insufficient fund charges or bank fees related to this process.

Avis Prestige Fleet

A payment card is required for all rentals as a guarantee. For car group H two payment cards must be submitted, one of which must be a credit one. Cash is not allowed.

Please read full Booking Conditions regarding online payment.

Collecting and Returning Your Vehicle

Change of Return Location
The return of the car to a location different to the one of car pick up, is allowed with an extra charge.

After Hours Information

Out of Hour’s Service: If the renter wants to pick-up a car during out of office hours, he must request this at the time of reservation. The charge for out of hour’s service is €23 excluding VAT.

Avis Prestige Fleet

If the renter wants to pick-up a car during out of office hours, he must request this at the time of reservation. The charge for out of hour’s service is €30 excluding VAT.

Taking Your Vehicle Outside the Country

Cross border rental is possible under the following conditions:

• Booking must be made at the Contact Center of Avis Greece (tel: +30 210 6879800, e-mail: contact@avis.gr).
• Cross Border is only allowed in the following countries:
• Albania, Andorra, Cyprus, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Malta, Romania, Turkey, Moldavia, Finland, Ireland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Israel , Morocco, Slovenia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Italy, Northern Ireland, Spain.
• Booking must be on request only for categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, K, L, M & N. Not allowed for services: Avis Van Rental, Avis Prestige, Avis Flex.
• There must be a written approval by Avis Greece at the start of the rental (not just by the booking process).
• Payment is via Avis central account and/or credit card. The credit card is always required to guarantee the rental of a car, based on Avis General Rental Terms.
• There will be additional costs for issuing the Green Card, for which you can get informed when making the booking. If the rental is over 1 month, additional Green Card(s) must be issued at extra cost. This cost is charged to the customer.
• The renter is obliged to return the car to Greece.
• The driver must have the new type of driving license (in Latin characters).

The price for cross border rental from Greece to abroad includes:
-300 km free per day
-Third Party Cover
-Collision Damage Cover with excess amount – according to each car group
-Vehicle Theft Cover with excess amount - according to each car group
-Airport Surcharge
-City Tax, VAT

Cost per extra km (excl. Vat):

A 0,10€
B 0,10€
C 0,10€
D 0,12€
E 0,14€
F 0,12€
G 0,14€
J 0,24€
K 0,14€
L 0,24€
M 0,20€
N 0,10€

• Note: The customer should be aware that if Avis car is damaged while staying in another country, Avis is not responsible for replacing the car with another.
• Αvis is not responsible for customer’s transportation back to Greece (cost and arrangements) in case of any problem.
• Avis has to approve in writing for carriage by ship.

Avis Prestige Fleet

Cross border rentals is forbidden for all car groups.

Delivery and Collection

Deliveries or collections of the rented cars are available upon request at a cost of €0,75 per klm, excluding VAT. Minimum charge for delivery or collection service is €18, excluding VAT.

Avis Prestige Fleet
a) Deliveries or collections of the rented cars are available upon request at a cost of €1 per klm, excluding VAT. Minimum charge for delivery or collection service is €23, excluding VAT.
b) Car deliveries or collections not within Avis office hours are charged at €30, plus vat. The charge will also apply at any other time that the Avis offices are closed (i.e. midday for some Avis offices). Always check online the Avis office working hours.

One Way Rentals


The return of the car to a location other than the one the car was picked-up from, costs €0,75 per klm, excluding VAT calculated by the distance in klms between the two stations. Minimum charge for one way service is €18, excluding VAT.

Avis Prestige Fleet

It is allowed only between the stations in Attica and the charge is €20, plus vat.

Waiver and Protection Options

1) Third Party Cover
Also known as: Motor Liability Insurance, Legal Liability Insurance

What's covered?
Covers third parties in case of death or body injuries, including passengers (except the driver of the Avis vehicle), when using the Avis vehicle up to €1.300.000 and material damages to third parties up to €1.300.000.

What's not covered?
Theft or attempted theft of the vehicle.
Theft of personal belongings from the vehicle.
Death or injury to the driver.
Damage to the rental vehicle.

What's the cost?

2) Collision Damage Cover
Also known as: LDW in Australia-NZ-USA, Vehicle Damage Waiver, CDW

What's covered?
If the rental car is damaged by a car accident or fire, the renter will be covered for the cost of the repairs of the Avis vehicle. However, the renter has to pay an excess up to €900 for car groups A, B, N, I, €1100 for car groups C, D, E, F, G, H, €1.350 for car groups J, K, M, O, and €2.000 for car groups L & P towards the repair costs, storage charges and loss of use, regardless of whether he or her was at fault or not. However, if we can recover these costs from a responsible third party, we will reimburse the renter.

What's not covered?
Damage caused by incorrect fuel.
Damage caused as a result of a breach of the rental agreement’s terms and conditions.
Damage caused as a result of fire, acts of God and terrorist attacks.
Damage caused to the underneath and the top of the car, the antenna, the mirrors and the tires or while Avis car was on board ship.

What's the cost?
If not included in the rate
€12,5 per day for car groups A, B, N, I
€16 per day for car groups C, D, E, F, G, J, K, M, O, H
€22,5 per day for car groups L, P
(Prices do not include VAT)

Avis Prestige Fleet

What's covered?
If the rental car is damaged by a car accident or fire, the renter will be covered for the cost of the repairs of the Avis vehicle. However, the renter has to pay up to a maximum of €900 for car group A , €1.100 for car group B, C, D, O , €2.000 for car groups F, G, K, N, €4.000 for car group H towards the repair costs, storage charges and loss of use, regardless of whether the renter was at fault or not. However, if Avis can recover these costs from a responsible third party, will reimburse the renter.

What's not covered?
Damage caused intentionally or by negligence.
Damage caused by incorrect fuel.
Damage caused as a result of a breach of the rental agreement’s terms and conditions.
Damage caused as a result of fire, acts of God and terrorist attacks.
Damage caused to the underneath and the top of the car, the antenna, the mirrors and the tires or while Avis car was on board ship.

What's the cost?

(Prices do not include VAT)

3) Vehicle Theft Cover
Also known as: Theft Protection

What's covered?
It covers the cost of replacing the rental car (or parts of it) if it gets stolen. The renter may have to pay an excess, which varies by country, so he or her is asked to check the Terms & Conditions of the selected country at the time of booking. In Greece the renter will have to pay an excess up to €900 for car groups A, B, I & N, €1100 for car groups C, D, E, F, G, H €1.350 for car groups J, K, M, O and €2.000 for car group L, P.

What's not covered?
Negligence regarding loading of a vehicle (e.g. car unsupervised) or keys safe keeping (e.g. left in ignition).

What's the cost?
If not included in the rate
€4,5 per day for car groups A, B, N, I
€7 per day for car groups C, D, E, F, G, J, K, M, O, H
€12 per day for car groups L, P

(Prices do not include VAT)

Note: In case of an accident or theft, the renter will still have to pay the excess amounts of CDW, Super CDW and TP, even if he was not at fault. If and when Avis recovers the cost of the damage/theft from the insurance company, then Avis will compensate the customer.

Avis Prestige Fleet

What's covered?
This covers the cost of replacing the rental car (or parts of it) if it gets stolen. The renter will, however have to pay up to a maximum of €900 for car group A , €1.100 for car group B, C, D, O, €2.000 for car groups F, G, K, N, €4.000 for car groups Η towards the repair costs, storage charges and loss of use, regardless of whether the renter was at fault or not. However, if Avis can recover these costs from a responsible third party, will reimburse the renter.

What's not covered?
Negligence regarding loading of a vehicle (e.g. car unsupervised) or keys safe keeping (e.g. left in ignition).

What's the cost?

(Prices do not include VAT)

Note: Note: In case of an accident or theft, the renter will still have to pay the excess amounts of CDW, Super CDW and TP, even if he was not at fault. If and when Avis recovers the cost of the damage/theft from the insurance company, then Avis will compensate the customer.

4) Super Cover
What’s covered?
Completely eliminates the excess amounts of Collision Damage Cover (CDW) and Vehicle Theft Cover (TP) for all car groups. Mandatory condition is that the renter completes and signs the Avis Accident Report before the end of the rental. If another vehicle is involved in the accident with the Avis car, it is mandatory that the renter calls the road assistance company, indicated by Avis, for the recording of the accident and the photographing of the vehicles. It also covers glass damages and damage underneath the vehicle.

What’s not covered?
Damage caused intentionally or by negligence.
Damage caused by incorrect fuel.
Damage caused as a result of a breach of the rental agreement’s terms and conditions.
Damage caused as a result of acts of God and terrorist attacks.
Damage caused while Avis car was on board ship.

What’s the cost?
€15 per day for car groups A, B, N, I
€20 per day for car groups C, D, E, F, G, H
€23 per day for car groups J, K, M, O
€35 per day for car groups L, P

(Prices do not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Super Cover is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 31+ days).

Avis Prestige Fleet

What’s covered?
Completely eliminates the excess amounts of Collision Damage Cover (CDW) and Vehicle Theft Cover (TP) for all car groups. Mandatory condition is that the renter completes and signs the Avis Accident Report before the end of the rental. If another vehicle is involved in the accident with the Avis car, it is mandatory that the renter calls the road assistance company, indicated by Avis, for the recording of the accident and the photographing of the vehicles. It also covers glass damages and damage underneath the vehicle.

What’s not covered?
Damage caused intentionally or by negligence.
Damage caused by incorrect fuel.
Damage caused as a result of a breach of the rental agreement’s terms and conditions.
Damage caused as a result of fire, acts of God and terrorist attacks.
Damage caused while Avis car was on board ship.

What’s the cost?
€15 per day for car groups A
€18 per day for car groups B, C, D, O
€35 per day for car groups F, G, K, N
€55 per day for car group H
(Prices do not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Super Cover is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 31+ days).

5) Personal Accident Insurance
Also known as: PAI
What’s covered?
Covers the renter of the vehicle of up to €50.000 in case of death, total or partial disability, plus up to €2.000 for medical expenses incurred, due to the accident.

What’s not covered?
Accidents that did not happen while driving the Avis car.
Accidents that happened before or after the rental.

What’s the cost?
€2,5 per day for all car groups

(Price does not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Personal Accident Insurance is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 31+ days).

Avis Prestige Fleet

What's covered?
Covers the renter of the vehicle of up to €50.000 in case of death, total or partial disability, plus up to €2.000 for medical expenses incurred, due to the accident.

What's not covered?
Accidents that did not happen while driving the Avis car.
Accidents that happened before or after the rental.

What's the cost?
€2,5 per day for all car groups

(Price does not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Personal Accident Insurance is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 30 days).

6) Super Personal Accident Insurance
Also known as: Super PAI

What’s covered?
Additional to Personal Accident Insurance and increases the renter's coverage up to €80.000 for death, €100.000 for total or partial disability and €5.000 for clinical expenses.

What’s not covered?
Accidents that did not happen while driving the Avis car.
Accidents that happened before or after the rental.

What’s the cost?
€3,5 per day for all car groups
(Price does not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Super Personal Accident Insurance is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 31+ days).

Avis Prestige Fleet

What’s covered?
Additional to Personal Accident Insurance and increases the renter's coverage up to €80.000 for death, €100.000 for total or partial disability and €5.000 for clinical expenses.

What’s not covered?
Accidents that did not happen while driving the Avis car.
Accidents that happened before or after the rental.

What’s the cost?
€3,5 per day for all car groups

(Price does not include VAT)

The maximum charge of Super Personal Accident Insurance is 14 days, per rental agreement (as long as the rental agreement is not more than 30 days).

7) Roadside Safety Net

What’s covered?
-Lockout Service: Avis will assist the driver gain entry when keys are locked inside the vehicle or when he has lost the keys.
-Flat Battery: If the vehicle experiences battery failure, Avis will provide a jump start.
-Tyre assistance: Replacement of a flat or damaged tyre with the spare, or get the car towed to the nearest service facility
-Fuel Delivery - If the vehicle runs out of fuel, Avis will deliver fuel to driver’s location.
-Damage caused while Avis car was on board a ship.

What’s not covered?
-Cost for replacement of the keys in case of loss.
-Battery damage caused intentionally or by negligence.
-Tyre damage caused intentionally, by negligence or by driving in non-permitted areas as of rental agreement’s terms and conditions.
-Cost of replacement tyres*
-Fuel costs and refueling service fee, in case of fuel delivery.

*Customers taking zero excess are covered for costs)

What’s the cost?
€3,5 per day for all car groups.
(Prices do not include VAT)

Avis Prestige Fleet

What’s the cost?
€3,5 per day for all car groups.
(Prices do not include VAT)


What is an “excess”? In the event of an accident to – or theft of – the vehicle, a sum of money (called an excess) has to be paid. The renter will still have to pay the excess amount, even if he was not at fault. If and when Avis recovers the cost of the damage from the insurance company, then Avis will compensate the customer. Extra insurances, which are not automatically included in the price of your car hire, will either remove or reduce this amount. These can be bought when you collect your Avis car.

What does “additional driver” mean? The rental car is insured for one person – the named driver. If others are to drive your Avis car, then those people need to be present and show their driving license when the car is picked up. There will be an additional charge for each driver.


Special Equipment

Baby seats are available upon request, charged at € 6 plus vat per day. Maximum charge 10 days.

GPS is available at specific stations, upon request at the time of reservation. The charge for this service is:

1 day: 8 euro, plus tax
2 days: 16 euro, plus tax
3 days: 24 euro, plus tax
4 days: 32 euro, plus tax
5 days: 40 euro, plus tax
6 days: 48 euro, plus tax
7 days: 48 euro, plus tax
8 days: 48 euro, plus tax
9 days: 48 euro, plus tax
10 days: 48 euro, plus tax
11 days: 48 euro, plus tax
12 days: 48 euro, plus tax
12+ days: 48 euro, plus tax

Snow chains are available upon request, charged at € 5,00 plus vat per day. Maximum charge 10 days.

Travel Tab: N/A

Avis WiFi: N/A

Travel Companion:
Travel Companion offers unlimited internet data, unlimited international calls and a variety of many other travel tools.

The charge for the service is 11€ per day with a maximum of 110€, excluding VAT. It is available only on specific stations.

Fuel charges

If the Renter, upon return of the vehicle, has consumed less than 1/4 of the car’s fuel tank, then, Avis will charge € 12 (flat fee), plus VAT (Refuelling Service Charge), plus the cost of the missing fuel. In any other case, Avis will charge the Renter a cheaper price versus refueling the car at a local gas station. This cheaper price may only apply to the whole fuel tank of the car and cannot be charged partially.


Incident Report Fee: In case of an accident or traffic violation fine, there is a non-refundable fee of €30, excluding VAT, to cover administration expenses, irrespectively of renter’s liability.

Traffic Violations: The renter assumes full responsibility for traffic violations and pays the respective fines.

Vehicle Registration Fee: Vehicle registration fee is charged at €1 per day, with maximum charge of €14, excluding VAT per rental agreement. This is usually included in the Avis rates. Please refer to your contract.

Grace Period: One rental day is calculated as 24 hours and 29 minutes. If the rental exceeds this period, then an additional day will be charged.
Late Return Fee: All customers must inform Avis about change of plans in a timely manner, in order to avoid being charged the Late Return Fee. If the car is returned over 7 hours late from the agreed date/time, then a Late Return Fee of 15€ excluding VAT will be charged for every for every 24Hr period the car is returned late plus the cost of an additional day of rental.

Non-cancellation fee (non-prepaid reservations)

Shall the renter fail to cancel the booking before the reservation date and time shown on the booking and does not pick up the vehicle within 24 hours from that time, a non- cancellation fee will apply. Depending on the country the rental takes place, that fee is GBP60, EUR65, CHF76, ZAR500, NOK645, DKK485, SEK693, PLN281 or the equivalent amount in local currency. Fee are subject to taxes where applicable.